Space and Cyber…

I’ve been working on space and cyber issues over the last year, mainly focused on research, some of which has been translated through the media. I am always grateful to Defense News in particular, which allows me to write about things that interest me, and which adheres to some basic journalism tenets as taught to me by the wonderful  Carole Agus and Marguerite Holloway, who are my wellsprings for media writing.

Those values mean:

a) No such thing as a one-source story

b) Talk to multiple parties

c) The headline fits the story

d) A dog and pony show is a press conference not a news conference

e) An interview with a PR person is not a source and only filler

f) Don’t follow the pack.

Salute to my good friend Dan!

After all that venting, here is a sneak preview of what I have been doing over the past year.

But most of all, I am really looking forward to presenting at next year’s ISTS where I will get a chance to really get to grips with the issues in hand, or up there, so-to-speak!